AI: Lunch and Learn

Night Time Social Event Seminar Virtual Lunch + Learn Industry Perspectives

Getting Started with using AI for Marketing

If like many marketing professionals, you are not sure where to start with using AI to create brand or campaign content, then this session is for you!

Access the recording from our recent virtual lunch and learn session held on Thursday 12 October

What you will learn:

  • What is Generative AI
  • Understanding the role of AI in marketing
  • Learn how to craft effective prompts for compelling content
  • Discover AI tools that can support your marketing

Feedback from participants

  • Thanks ! Very insightful – Dom.H
  • Would love more of this – Andrew.R
  • Fantastic thank you! – Zoe.M

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain some practical tips from our industry expert.

Enter your details below to access the session replay:

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